Things I Like About Our New House

It’s hard to believe my husband and I have been in our new home over three months now. Some days it feels like we’ve been here forever. Some days it feels like we’ll never get settled.

It felt like home when I walked into the house after we traveled out of town for a week in October. I guess that’s some indication we’ve adapted.

Even though we’ve only lived here for three months, we’ve seen three seasons. It was definitely summer when we moved. We had the changing leaves of autumn. And we’ve even had a taste of winter snow. One good thing is that I enjoy the view no matter what the weather.


The summer view


The autumn view


The winter view

The sunrises are particularly spectacular. Almost every morning.


One gorgeous sunrise


The great room

I like the coziness of the great room.

I like the door from the master bedroom to the front hallway (which saves a lot of steps), even though we had to give up some hanging space to get the door.

I love the master bath shower, which is spacious enough for a wheelchair (heaven forbid we ever need that) and full of natural light.


The downstairs

I like the downstairs living space, though we rarely use it. It has space for the piano I rarely play.

I like having two full-size refrigerators.

I like my office with its peaceful view.

And I like walking the paths around the neighborhood.

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The friend I met on my walk

The house isn’t perfect. I miss having a formal dining room (that was rarely used), and I don’t like the longer commute to most of my activities. I don’t like the time it is taking me to furnish it with rugs and blinds and shelving and other things the builder didn’t do. And, because it’s a house, some things don’t work right already (we had to have the garage door repaired).

But overall, I’m glad we made the move. And I hope we never move again.

What changes have you made in your life that you’re glad you made?

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