Readers liked my gooseberry pie post, so here’s another tale about a summer pie – this time a banana cream pie I made myself. You’ll see I had issues with it, just like with the gooseberry pie my future mother-in-law and I made together.
In 1969, Home Economics was a required class for girls in the ninth grade at Chief Joseph Junior High School in Richland, Washington. We spent a semester on cooking and a semester on sewing, with a smattering of child care and household budgeting thrown into the mix.

During the cooking semester, we made a banana cream pie. We worked together in groups of four in the Home Economics kitchens. My group’s pie turned out beautifully – the filling rich and smooth, topped with a lovely meringue, the crust flaky and light.
When I told my father about our pie, he started salivating. “I love banana cream pie,” he said. “Your mother has never made one.”
I don’t know why my mother didn’t make cream pies. She made several pies a week, it seemed, but typically they were apple or cherry, sometimes peach or apricot. Occasionally, she made a strawberry rhubarb pie, but only one of the kids would eat it. For Thanksgiving and Christmas, she made pumpkin and mince meat. But I don’t recall her ever making a cream pie.
Throughout the remainder of my ninth grade year, my father teased me about making him a banana cream pie. I kept putting him off. I wasn’t sure I could repeat the culinary coup all by myself.
But as the school year drew to a close, I finally committed. “I’ll make you a banana cream pie for Father’s Day.”
On the Saturday before Father’s Day, I slaved all day in the kitchen.
I rolled out the crust, using my mother’s tried and true pie crust recipe. My crust didn’t look quite as nice as hers, and it split when I draped it over the pan. But I smoothed out the tears and patched the holes, before crimping the edges of the crust around the pie plate rim. Then I baked the shell to a light golden brown.
I mixed the milk and sugar and other ingredients for the custard. I stirred it constantly to keep it from scorching and to get out all the lumps. Then I sliced the bananas and arranged them on the bottom of the baked pie shell, and poured the custard in on top, filling it to the pretty crimped edges.
I didn’t try to make meringue by myself, but I whipped cream till it peaked in stiff white curls, and spread the cream on top, with a few banana slices for decoration.
My pie looked fabulous – as nice as the Home Ec pie, even without the meringue.
Then I put the pie in the refrigerator to stay cool until dinner.
A couple of hours later, I happened to pass through the kitchen. My two-year-old brother stood in front of the open refrigerator dipping his fingers into the smooth yellow custard of my pie, his cheeks already covered with whipped cream.
I shrieked.
Both my brother and I dissolved into tears.
Our loud cries brought my mother running. She chastised my brother (though what good does it do to chastise a two-year-old?) and helped me repair the damage.
Our family of six ate the pie that evening – all of it. If it was a little light on custard and a little heavy on bananas, no one complained. My father still raved about my Father’s Day gift.
But that experience – and a few others – soured me on making pies and on cooking generally. There isn’t much lasting recognition in cooking – you make it, and it’s gone. Where’s the enduring glory in that?
Sewing at least gave me a product that stayed around more than a day. And clothing was less likely to be destroyed by my baby brother.
Where’s the enduring glory in a banana cream pie consumed years ago? Why, it’s right here on this page and in the minds of your readers!
Thanks for the reminder that I did in fact get something enduring from that old pie. I should have realized that One Monkey Typing would see the inspiration in banana cream.
Another of those delightful stories always with us. A great reminder too, I have nevver made my husband his favorite cream pie ( and I am noted for my baking efforts) banana crream! yikes!.
It’s never too late!
Ohhhh, but it’s such fun to wear it on my hips after it slides through my lips!
My family is loud. Even at the dinner table. The glory for me is when silence comes because they are all savoring the flavors of the food I made. I’m a “1-2-3 cook”, as my father call it. I look at a recipe and then make it my own adding and deleting ingridients. I admire those of you who make pies – bakers – because it requires way more precise measuring than I am able to accomplish. My huband bakes the pies.
Thanks for sharing a slice of your life. 🙂
Linda Joyce
Linda, these days my husband bakes the pies also. But that’s another blog post. Theresa
It is a lot of effort to make a meal and then have it consumed in three quick minutes. I don’t mind everyday meals as much, but those big Thanksgiving dinners really get me. Hours and hours slaving away and then in my family, it’s quickly over. Nothing but a very large pile of dirty dishes. It’s a bummer. Great post.
I’m with you — I spend as little time as possible on daily meals. I want the special efforts to mean something, but usually they’re gone in a flash. Thanks for the comment.
[…] year I wrote about the banana cream pie I made for my father one Father’s Day. A couple of years after that incident, I made him a […]
[…] Funny what people search for on the Internet, but all of these topics have been the subject of posts I have written. (Well, maybe not the history of banana cream pie, but I have written about making such a pie.) […]
[…] Another Pie Story […]