‘Ode to Joy’ on Our Wedding Anniversary

I always assumed I would walk down the aisle at my wedding to the strains of the Bridal Chorus from Wagner’s opera “Lohingren” (also called the “Wedding March”). You know the one: “Here comes the bride, All dressed in white, . . . “

So imagine my surprise when I got to our wedding rehearsal the night before the wedding, and the church organist announced she wouldn’t play the Wedding March.

In the olden days – thirty-five years ago – weddings did not get quite the attention they do today. At least not in Richland, Washington, and not by a bride who had a law review note to write in the next few weeks. I let my mother decide almost everything. I just showed up a few days before the big event.

At my request, Mother had arranged for the women’s choir at our church to sing a couple of songs during the Nuptial Mass. But we had left the entrance and recessional songs to the organist.

“Why won’t you play the Wedding March?” I asked the organist.

“Too trite,” she replied. She clearly believed herself superior to Wagner.

“But that’s what I want,” I said. Isn’t every bride entitled to one hissy fit?

“Well, then, you’ll need to find another organist.” Which, of course, she knew I couldn’t do on eighteen hours notice. Organists have a lot of power.

“What will you play?” I asked.

“I prefer ‘Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring,’” she stated. “I do the variation with the arpeggios and trills as the bridesmaids walk in. Keep it light and lovely. Then the solemn hymn for your entrance.” She played it. I recognized it. I accepted the inevitable.

“And for the recessional, we’ll do Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy,’” she said, her fingers switching to Ludwig’s majestic chords.

By that time I knew who was in control. I nodded meekly.

And that’s how it came to be that on November 26, 1977, I entered the church on my father’s arm to the stately strains of ‘Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring.’  And an hour later, my new husband and I exited triumphantly to ‘Ode to Joy.’

For the past 35 years, I haven’t been able to hear either song without crying.

Happy Anniversary, Al

Al and Theresa exiting the church to “Ode to Joy”


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12 years ago

What a great picture. This may be the only time in my life I see Al.

Happy Anniversary to you both. Hope you have many more years of happiness together.

Note: After years of having a very good friend who is still a church organist, I know you should never mess with them. They can make your event hell. You were a wise woman, even back then.

12 years ago
Reply to  Bob

Bob, you’re right. I sang at a funeral once and had been asked by the widow asked me to sing all the verses of “How Great Thou Art.” In rehearshal he quit playing before the last verse. (When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation, and take me home, what joy shall fill my heart! Then I shall bow in humble adoration, and there proclaimm, my God, how great Thou art!) I asked why he didn’t play the last verse, he said it wasn’t necessary. I told him of the widow’s wishes. At the funeral he pulled out all the stops on the organ and played so loud nobod;y could hear the words. Evidently he didn’t agree with the words and when we got to that verse and found a way to get back. So much for servant hearts!

Theresa Hupp
12 years ago
Reply to  Bob

Thanks, Bob. I don’t intentionally hide Al. I might even coax him into a public appearance soon.

12 years ago

Happy Anniversary, you two! Don’t you wonder where the years went?

Carole Katsantoness
Carole Katsantoness
12 years ago

Happy Anniversary to both of you. Maybe you should do it again, just to get that Wedding March into the scheme of things. I know an organist who doesn’t dictate.lol

12 years ago

What a great picture. This may be the only time in my life I see Al.

Happy Anniversary to you both. Hope you have many more years of happiness together.

Note: After years of having a very good friend who is still a church organist, I know you should never mess with them. They can make your event hell. You were a wise woman, even back then.

12 years ago
Reply to  Bob

Bob, you’re right. I sang at a funeral once and had been asked by the widow asked me to sing all the verses of “How Great Thou Art.” In rehearshal he quit playing before the last verse. (When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation, and take me home, what joy shall fill my heart! Then I shall bow in humble adoration, and there proclaimm, my God, how great Thou art!) I asked why he didn’t play the last verse, he said it wasn’t necessary. I told him of the widow’s wishes. At the funeral he pulled out all the stops on the organ and played so loud nobod;y could hear the words. Evidently he didn’t agree with the words and when we got to that verse and found a way to get back. So much for servant hearts!

Theresa Hupp
12 years ago
Reply to  Bob

Thanks, Bob. I don’t intentionally hide Al. I might even coax him into a public appearance soon.

12 years ago

I just wanted to buzz in with my recording of ‘Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring’ as I found out that your blog is the only reference to this beautiful piece of music on wordpress.

Theresa Hupp
12 years ago
Reply to  sebion

A lovely recording. Thank you for sharing it.

12 years ago

Happy Anniversary, you two! Don’t you wonder where the years went?


[…] am the latest of a long line of Catholic women who married Protestant men. The stories of our weddings show how interfaith marriages have changed over time. This post is the story of the first such […]

Carole Katsantoness
Carole Katsantoness
12 years ago

Happy Anniversary to both of you. Maybe you should do it again, just to get that Wedding March into the scheme of things. I know an organist who doesn’t dictate.lol

12 years ago

I just wanted to buzz in with my recording of ‘Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring’ as I found out that your blog is the only reference to this beautiful piece of music on wordpress.

Theresa Hupp
12 years ago
Reply to  sebion

A lovely recording. Thank you for sharing it.


[…] am the latest of a long line of Catholic women who married Protestant men. The stories of our weddings show how interfaith marriages have changed over time. This post is the story of the first such […]


[…] our meal preparation for Thanksgiving. Forty years ago on Friday of the holiday weekend, we had the rehearsal and rehearsal […]

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