My Story to Appear in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Parenthood

CSS parenthood coverMy story, My Son Made Me Tweet, will appear in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Parenthood, which will be available on March 12, 2013. This book can be preordered through Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

As the publisher’s description of this book says, parenthood is full of ups and downs, but there’s no shortage of humorous stories. The 101 stories in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Parenthood will touch your heart, make you laugh, and remind you why there is no better job than being a parent!

Whether it’s the kindergartener with no filter who embarrasses her mother or the cocky 16-year-old getting his driver’s license, the stories in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Parenthood are a celebration of all the big and little moments experienced while raising a child. Parenting – it’s a tough job, but also the best.

My story was adapted from a piece I wrote for this blog last year. My Son Made Me Tweet focuses on my efforts to communicate with my adult son. As I have discovered, parenting never ends, it only changes. As our children grow more independent, we have to find new ways to stay connected.

And every so often, they need us again, as my daughter has over the last few weeks while she heals from her broken leg.

I hope you enjoy the story about my son and the entire collection in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Parenthood.


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Jill Weatherholt
12 years ago

How exciting, Theresa! Congratulations! I love the Chicken Soup books. I hope your daughter continues to heal.

Sylvia Sirota
Sylvia Sirota
12 years ago

I’ve already ordered two copies, one to be delivered to me and one to Cecilia. Well done, Theresa!

You’re still in Washington. Your writing buddies must be missing you. Not to mention your husband. At least that makes two of us who have not started working on our taxes yet.


Theresa Hupp
12 years ago
Reply to  Sylvia Sirota

You are so right! I’ve been worrying about taxes for the past three weeks. That’s the primary reason I’m going home this weekend (that, and missing Al, of course).

12 years ago

Teresa way to go girl!

Janet Sunderland
12 years ago

Congratulations, Theresa!

Linda Joyce
12 years ago

Congrats! This is wonderful news!




[…] and also to write some posts might serve as drafts for submissions to other publications (like “My Son Made Me Tweet,” for Chicken Soup for the Soul: Parenting) or for another anthology like my Family Recipe […]

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