A Summer Short: Sights on the Olympic Peninsula

I recently returned from another visit to see family on the Olympic Peninsula.

It’s a place:

  • Where picturesque villages line ocean inlets


  • Where mountains vie with evergreens for majesty


  • Where Mount Rainier can be seen from the Wal-Mart parking lot (look through the cart rack)

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  • Where wildflowers grow as profusely as gardens


  • Where subdivision streets resemble the forest primeval


  • Where hikers leave stout sticks for followers to use


  • Where large swaths of grass get beaten down, perhaps by the deer that wander the roads


  • Where neighbors warn each other about bear sightings.

Thank goodness I don’t have a picture to share on this last point!

But my first day, the neighborhood association sent out an email on what to do if confronted by a bear. And on my last day, the next door neighbor informed us that she’d seen a bear in her back yard in mid-morning.

Where have you seen an abundance of nature’s glory?


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Janet Sunderland
10 years ago

Welcome back.
Nice shots, Theresa.

Theresa Hupp
10 years ago

Thanks, Janet.

10 years ago

Theresa, I hope you are well after your family-focused journey.
In answer to your question, because I live in the Pacific Northwest, rural Redmond, Washington to be exact, I see nature’s abundance every day. Just finished my breakfast this a.m. when a mother deer and her two fawns made their daily morning trek through my back yard. Last week a bobcat caused a ruckus when it ambled through my front yard; the area crows warned all crow families within a 5 mile radius to be on the look out. It was the crows’ screeching that drew my attention to the bobcat.

Theresa Hupp
10 years ago
Reply to  boomer98053

And it’s reasons like this that I still miss living in the Pacific Northwest, even after 40 years.
Thanks for your comment,

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