A Summer Short: On the Value of Blogging

Frustrated Woman at Computer With Stack of PaperThere are times when I wonder why I keep posting on this blog. Some months I’m pleased with the readership, and I watch the statistics climb day after day. Other months, the numbers plummet, and I wonder if I’m so boring no one will ever read what I write again.

Some weeks the ideas pop into my head effortlessly and my words flow freely. Other weeks, every sentence comes painfully, and I write and rewrite until I finally think I’ve said something . . . but maybe not.

It is in the nature of writing to be a solitary occupation, one fraught with self-doubt and angst.

And then, on a day when my writing has come particularly slowly, I see an old friend who tells me, “I love your blog! It’s so fun to keep up with what you’re doing.”

Or someone posts a comment, then a few days later, the same person posts another. And in a few weeks’ time, I feel like I have a new BFF.

Or I read something in another blog that touches my heart, as I wrote about last week from Baby Boomers and More.

Or I sell a revamped post to Chicken Soup for the Soul or another publisher, and I make a little money. Someone wants to pay me for what I write!

Or someone asks me when I’m finally going to publish my Oregon Trail books. (I don’t know, folks. The drafts aren’t as good as I can make them yet. But they will get published.)

Some social media experts say blogging is a form of marketing. Some call it “building your author’s platform.”

I call it forcing myself to write to deadline . . . and hopefully to find some companions along my journey.

I call it an opportunity to reflect on my world and the people I encounter.

And so I’ll keep writing this blog a while longer.

What do you do because it’s “good for you”?


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10 years ago

You always have something to say, Theresa. Life just gets in the way of where we would really like to spend our time. For me, it is reading and writing that are escapes and good therapy. Sorry for my absenteeism, I always enjoy your blog.

Theresa Hupp
10 years ago

Yes, life gets in the way. Hope your life is smoothing out.
Thanks. Theresa

10 years ago

“And so I’ll keep writing this blog a while longer.”

Good! You’re part of my week now, and I’d miss hearing your voice if you stopped.



Theresa Hupp
10 years ago
Reply to  smsirota

Thanks, Sylvia!
Cheers. Theresa

10 years ago

I eat my vegetables every day. I exercise most days. I never write, though, because I should. And, I know you don’t either. A novel, or an opinion, or an idea are nothing if they aren’t shared. I recommend you cut back, but not eliminate your blogging. That would give you time to think of, and implement, other ways of sharing. Never stop blogging, though; you are just too good at it. What is it they say in the craft of writing? Oh, yeah: “Less is more.”

Theresa Hupp
10 years ago
Reply to  danezeller

I don’t write because I should, but I do blog many days because it’s on the schedule. A deadline to meet.
Thanks for the comment, and for reminding me that less is more.

10 years ago

Same as you, Theresa. Blogging to keep writing and communicating. And working. But not eating fruit.

Theresa Hupp
10 years ago
Reply to  Luanne

So you don’t eat fruit? But it’s better than vegetables.

10 years ago
Reply to  Theresa Hupp

Ugh, not much. Yesterday I cut up a beautiful melon for my husband. It came with my farm order the day before. He was sick all night. I think it was too ripe. That’s why I don’t like fruit. it’s always too green, too ripe, too buggy, too something.

10 years ago

Blogging is such a wonderful communication tool. When I learn that someone benefited from one of my posts I get all tingly inside. Okay – not a great way to describe the way I feel when somehow or another what I’ve written does some good – but in my mind, that’s what it’s all about. Thank you Theresa.

Theresa Hupp
10 years ago
Reply to  boomer98053

And thank you!

10 years ago

I love your blog and have the same up and down feelings that you’ve described. Keep on writing, the readers love you 🙂


Theresa Hupp
10 years ago
Reply to  LisaListed

Thank you, Lisa. I appreciate your taking the time to comment.

Jill Weatherholt
10 years ago

Sometimes I wonder why I keep blogging as well, Theresa. As you said, it takes only one special comment to keep you going. I hope you keep going.

Theresa Hupp
10 years ago

And I hope you do, too, Jill!

Nareen Luz Rivas
10 years ago


Please don’t stop blogging. Even though I don’t get to the computer as much as I’d like lately because of my little ones, it’s always a treat to read your blog. You write about interesting things and I would really miss your perspective on things, but I do get where you are coming from. I often feel the same way about my blog and think, “ah, why do I even bother?” and then out of nowhere when I’m least expecting it someone will say, “I loved your so and so post” or “I follow your blog, sorry I don’t comment, but I follow you” and it keeps me going : )

Theresa Hupp
10 years ago

Thanks for commenting. We’ll keep each other going!


[…] per week. I’ve written before about lessons I’ve learned blogging, and I wrote recently about the value of blogging. I won’t repeat what I said in those […]

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