A Rest at Lake Chelan, Washington

In August, my husband and I were fortunate enough to take a couple of days after my mother’s funeral for a respite at Lake Chelan, Washington. There’s something so calming about staying on the lake shore, as I’ve written before (see here and here) Maybe because when I am by a lake I remember my childhood vacations I took on Coeur d’Alene Lake and Priest Lake in Idaho.

I love the ocean more than lakes, but the constant roar of the surf suggests a wildness that most lakes do not have. Lakes are more tranquil.

Lake Chelan was peaceful in the morning.

Lake Chelan, Washington
Lake Chelan, Washington

And equally peaceful in the evening.

Lake Chelan, Washington
Lake Chelan, Washington

In between, it was lovely. The haze was caused by forest fires, but they weren’t close enough to bother us. And the lake itself was so clear we could see the big trout swimming.


When have you taken a respite from your worries?


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Wandering Iris
10 years ago

My condolences. Lake Chelan is the perfect place to relax your body and soul.

Theresa Hupp
10 years ago
Reply to  Wandering Iris

Thank you, and thanks for reading.

10 years ago

Just near Easter of this year. Not exactly what I would compare to a tranquil lake setting, but a week with a girlfriend,experiencing Vegas with no gambling or drinking sure helped me face what ultimately lay ahead.
Enjoyed the calming photos, Theresa. thank you.

Theresa Hupp
10 years ago

I was thinking of you yesterday. Vegas without gambling or drinking could be a nice respite.
Best wishes,

10 years ago

I’ve lived in the Puget Sound area since 1994 and I’ve still not been to Chelan. Some day soon I hope!

Theresa Hupp
10 years ago
Reply to  boomer98053

Well, I’d only driven past a portion of the lake once before, despite growing up in Washington. It was a worthwhile trip.

Jill Weatherholt
10 years ago

It’s always beautiful to see a lake that is clear. Lovely photos, Theresa.

Theresa Hupp
10 years ago

Thanks, Jill!

Robin Purtle
Robin Purtle
10 years ago

Theresa–the pics are beautiful. I didn’t know you lost your mom in August. So sorry for your loss.

patty sullivan
patty sullivan
10 years ago

Sorry to hear about your mom’s passing, Theresa. What a lovely setting to remember, reflect, and renew. Hope you are well…

Theresa Hupp
10 years ago
Reply to  patty sullivan

Thank you, Patty. We’re doing fine.

10 years ago

My writer’s bucket list includes a cabin in Stehekin for the occasional writing week. Love that area! If you like thrillers or mysteries, try and get your hands on a “one hit wonder” called “The Piper’s Son,” by Bruce Chandler Fergusson. It’s how I discovered Stehekin and that area in the first place!

Theresa Hupp
10 years ago
Reply to  terzahcain

We didn’t make it to Stehekin, but an isolated cabin for writing sounds wonderful. My dream is a house on a beach.
Thanks for reading.

10 years ago

I am so sorry that you lost your mother so recently. It will be forever and a day until that pain goes away. The scenery is beautiful and very calming. I lost my Dad in 2001, but it seems I still think of him daily. You are in my thoughts, as you have your first holidays coming up, that is when I miss him the most. My Mom is still alive and kicking, but we joke she is losing her marbles and it seems to rub off on us! She is in a senior living apartment and I write about her silly antics often, but if you skip them for awhile, I totally understand….

Theresa Hupp
10 years ago
Reply to  reocochran

Thank you for your concern — I appreciate it. And my best wishes for your family also.

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