My Novel, Lead Me Home, Is Now Published!

Ever since this blog’s inception, I have posted that I was writing a historical novel about travel along the Oregon Trail. My novel is finally published!

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Lead Me Home: Hardship and hope on the Oregon Trail is now available on Amazon in either paperback or Kindle formats and on Barnes & Noble in the Nook format.

I hope you will take a look at Lead Me Home by clicking on one of the above links.

Here’s what the novel is about:

In 1847, Caleb “Mac” McDougall, a young Bostonian, seeks adventure on the Oregon Trail. As he passes through Missouri, he rescues Jenny Calhoun, a lonely girl in trouble.

To join a wagon train bound for Oregon, Mac and Jenny pose as a married couple. On the arduous six-month trek, they confront raging rivers, rugged mountains, and untrustworthy companions. Together, Mac and Jenny face the best and worst in themselves and in each other, while discovering the beauty and danger of the western frontier.

Fans of Lonesome Dove and True Grit will enjoy Lead Me Home—a gripping saga of courage, sacrifice, and enduring friendship.

The writers among you know how we help each other. But for the non-writers, I have learned that the best ways to support writers are to

1. Read their book.

2. Post a review if you liked it, on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and/or Goodreads, or another site of your choosing.

3. Share information about the book with your friends and family.

I hope you will read Lead Me Home and enjoy it. If you do, please review it. And please share this post with anyone you think might be also be interested in reading my book

Many thanks to my readers for your encouragement over the past several years. It has meant the world to me.


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9 years ago

Congratulations!! So exciting! Will order for my kindle.

Theresa Hupp
9 years ago
Reply to  wheremyfeetare

Thank you! Hope you enjoy it.

Janet Sunderland
9 years ago

Congratulations, Theresa. I know how long and hard you’ve worked on this. Kudos!!

Jill Weatherholt
9 years ago

Congratulations, Theresa! It’s been a long road, but you pressed on. I’m so happy for you!

Theresa Hupp
9 years ago

Thanks, Jill!

Nareen Luz Rivas
9 years ago

Congratulations Theresa! What wonderful news that the book you have been working on is now published. It must be such a great feeling. I will definitely look your book up.

Theresa Hupp
9 years ago

Thank you, Nareen. I hope you enjoy it.

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