A Chat About Frontier Travel With Gar LaSalle, Author of the WIDOW WALK Saga

Last summer I had the opportunity to chat with Gar LaSalle, who, like me, writes historical fiction about the West. Scott James of Solipsis Publishing moderated our conversation, and the audio and transcript are now available on Gar’s blog. The audio will give you the flavor of our conversation more accurately, but if you’d prefer to skim the contents, read the transcript, which will take less time.

It’s odd how different people find their way to writing novels. Gar started as a physician, and as we talked he related how his early experiences as a doctor led him to become interested in writing about the Pacific Northwest.

By contrast, I started as an attorney, although I can’t say that my legal background led me to write about the Oregon Trail—that was because of my family background.

Gar has a new novel out, The Fairness of Beasts, and the ebook version of his first book, Widow Walk, was available for free on Amazon the last time I looked. Widow Walk has recently been optioned for the screen, so read the novel now before you see it on film.

I hope you will check out Gar’s books, as well as my new novel, Forever Mine. Surely you know someone who would enjoy one of our novels. (International Book Giving Day was last Wednesday, but in my mind, every day is a book giving day.)

If you are interested in history (and you probably are, if you follow my blog regularly), what in your background brought you to that interest?


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