Write Brain Trust Authors—What We Love (and Hate) About Writing

On my page for writers, I mention Write Brain Trust, a group of Kansas City area authors whose mission is “Writers helping writers with creativity, publishing, and marketing in a digital world.” In the seven years since we began, about thirty authors have been a part of the group.

Recently, several of us started talking about what we love about writing. This month—a month devoted to love—seemed like a good time to recap what we said.

We are all enamored with finding and telling stories. We love the creativity required of writers:

Joyce Brown, author of cozy mysteries: “I love to gather ideas and facts for my stories. Sometimes they start with an anecdote I hear from someone, sometimes from one of my own experiences, or sometimes from an idea I get while daydreaming. But then comes research—into settings, police procedures related to the crimes in my mysteries, technology—whatever I need to make the story believable.”

Darlene Deluca, author of women’s fiction and romance: “First, I love the process of coming up with ideas and creating my own story and characters. I’m in charge! I can make up people and places and situations. It’s a cool feeling to hold a finished book in my hand and know that this thing did not exist before I dreamed it up and wrote it! Second, it’s the flexibility of my schedule and working from home. I love being able to work at different times and in my own space. Creativity and inspiration don’t happen 8 to 5 Monday through Friday!”

Pamela Eglinski, author of romantic suspense and time travel: “I love using my imagination. My creativity is challenged by research—in books, online, and on location. In particular, my imagination is piqued by travel. I capture scenes with my camera, and jot down ideas in a notebook. Once back in my office I begin to generate the story.”

Sally Jadlow, author of historical fiction, devotionals, and encouraging nonfiction: “I love the freedom writing affords. I don’t have to show up to some office and put in eight hours. When I’m on a writing jag, clocks are useless. Writing is a way to encourage, educate, and delight others.”

Juliet Kincaid, author of historical and cozy mysteries: “I’ve always loved reading and writing fiction for the escape fiction offers me. I love going on fictional trips to distant or ancient places filled with exciting characters especially the worlds I create myself. I’ve also come to enjoy the production side of being an indie author.”

As for me, Theresa Hupp, another author of historical fiction: “I love creating something from nothing. As an attorney and human resources manager, I had to find the truth in the facts other people gave me. Now, I can weave my plots to suit the truth I want to tell. I love the research needed to tell realistic stories, but I also love the ability to weed out the irrelevancies of everyday life to find the greater themes that real life so often muddies.”

Many of us also love the publishing side of being an independent author. I like making “the innards” of my books look like what I want them to. Juliet enjoys making her own book covers. Still, Pam says proofreading to find every last typo (an impossibility for most of us, it seems) makes her want to scream.

What don’t we love about indie publishing?

We’re mostly in agreement here—none of us likes marketing and selling our books. In fact, most of us hate anything that keeps us from writing. Yet Joyce comments that she likes reading thoughtful reviews of her books.

* * * * *

As winter continues and our days remain cold, look for books by these Write Brain Trust authors to see if there might be one you’d like to try out. And, if you like one of our books, please post a review.

Here is where you can find us online:

And if these authors aren’t enough for you, there are many more local authors who can be found at Hometown Reads—Kansas City.

If you’d like more information about Write Brain Trust, please send me your email address via my contact page.  You can also follow our public Facebook Page and Twitter feed.

Happy Reading!


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