Going on Hiatus While I Move

We are in the final days now before my husband and I move to our new home. I’m planning to take a two-week hiatus on this blog while we move. But in this last post from our old house, I wanted to let readers know how it’s going.

In two words: Not well.


I have hated every minute of the process, from the decluttering before staging our current house to sell, to the disassembling and packing of our belongings from their old and familiar places. We’re having packers and movers handle most of the breakables and larger items, but I’ve done as much as I can with the easy things like bedding and books and the like.

Still, each box that I fill tears apart a piece of our lives.

As one example of my discombobulation, every time I brush my teeth, I open the drawer where the toothpaste has been for thirty-five years.

IMG_20190717_091828The drawer is empty.

The toothpaste is sitting in plain view on the counter until I pack the last box of essentials, but my hand reaches for the drawer automatically, just as I’ve reached for it multiple times a day for thirty-five years.

At least the magnolia tree has given me one last show. A few flowers are blooming as I write this post.


What hazards have you had when you have moved? Wish us luck! You’ll hear from me again in August.


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Sally Jadlow
5 years ago

Even in redecorating stuff gets new places. Even after over a year when I’m trying to find something I picture it in it’s “old place” which is no longer there. No clue where I might have moved it. Praying for your smooth move.

Theresa Hupp
5 years ago
Reply to  Sally Jadlow

Thank you, Sally.

5 years ago

Theresa, I’ve moved soooo many times and it never gets easier. Now to find a new drawer for the toothpaste! (ah, yes, there’s yet the unpacking and replacing…)

Theresa Hupp
5 years ago
Reply to  Janet

I know the new drawer. I just have to get the toothpaste there. Thanks for the encouragement.

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