An Autumn Walk at Sunset

Last Saturday evening I took a walk after dinner. I had intended to stay on the neighborhood sidewalks, but a gaggle of high-school girls all gussied up for homecoming pictures stopped me. They and their mothers were having such a good time, even during this pandemic, that I didn’t want to interrupt.

So I turned the other way and headed down the golf course path. It was still light enough that there was a risk of encountering golfers and their balls, but I was fortunate to remain alone for the entire path.

It was too early for the deer to be out, so the only wildlife I saw was one squirrel and a few birds. Something rustled in the bushes as I passed, but I couldn’t see what it was.

What I did see was the changing colors in the trees. This isn’t one of the best years for fall colors in Kansas City, and I’m not sure if we’ve hit the peak, but it was still lovely.

I offer you these pictures from my walk, hoping they bring you the peace I found when I took them. As my daughter-in-law would say, your moment of zen.

And I think of my son and daughter-in-law as they celebrate their first anniversary on Tuesday. May they have many, many more.


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Virginia Brown
Virginia Brown
4 years ago

The picture with the fence and path was especially lovely.

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