Hallmarket Is Virtual!

Since 2009, Hallmark Cards has held an annual art festival outside its headquarters facility in Kansas City. This festival, called Hallmarket, showcases the artistic creations of Hallmark employees and retirees apart from their work for Hallmark. And Hallmark employees have marvelous and varied talents.

This year, because of the pandemic, Hallmarket is virtual. And for the first time, my books are a part of the offering.

I think I’m the only novelist featured on the Hallmarket website, but there are about seventy other creative artists showing their works. Ceramics. Fiber. Jewelry. Metalworks. Painting. And many other disciplines.

If you’re wondering how to get your holiday shopping this year without relying on big-box online retailers, here is your opportunity to purchase unique gifts from Hallmark artists.

The fair lasts from today, October 19, through Saturday, October 24. Each artist has his or her own shop, so you buy directly from that artist.

And each day, Monday through Friday, at noon, there are live workshops and discussions with some of the artists that will inspire you to put more care into the world. Click here to find the “Create With Us” page on the Hallmarket website and decide which days you want to participate.

Plus, the website also contains a “Get Inspired” page with suggestions for how you can care for yourself, your family, and your community during these difficult times. Who doesn’t need more kindness and civility this year?

You owe it to yourself and your gift recipients to check out the Hallmarket website. I guarantee just browsing the website will put a smile on your face—it’s a bright spot in the middle of a dark year.

Go to hallmark.com/Hallmarket, and discover what you like. Then buy from your favorite artist (or two . . . or three).


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