As I announced in my newsletter on November 19, Safe Thus Far is now available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle formats and on Barnes & Noble for Nook.
One fan wrote that she was dropping everything for a day to read Safe Thus Far. After she finished the book, she wrote me again:
“I enjoyed every minute! I wanted to let you know that this latest installment is awesome.”
Needless to say, she made my day.
Once again, here is the book’s summary:

Sixteen-year-old Will McDougall has completed the education available to him in the 1864 frontier town of Oregon City, and his future is uncertain. Then he learns his family’s darkest secret—a secret his parents have concealed since his birth.
Devastated by this deception, Will runs away with a friend. The boys become mule packers for a militia unit exploring the untamed wilderness of Southern Oregon.
Against the backdrop of the Civil War, unfamiliar Army rules, and encounters with indigenous tribes, Will seeks to understand himself and his family’s past . . . and to find his way home.
If you enjoy Safe Thus Far, or any of my novels, please leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or Barnes & Noble. The best marketing for any book comes from its readers, not its author.
As Thanksgiving Day approaches, I thank all my readers for their support this year!