My granddaughter paid me a visit this past weekend (with her parents), so I haven’t had much chance to write a blog post. And, while I took enough pictures to post a photo blog, her parents have forbidden me to upload any pictures to the internet. So all you get is a shot of me holding her, down to the top of her head. (The baby is much more photogenic than I am, but I will abide by my daughter’s wishes.)

In the few days she was here, my granddaughter and I spent many sessions cooing together. We played a rudimentary game of peek-a-boo, which she seemed to enjoy, though at three months old, she could not yet initiate it. She can barely grab a toy and get it to her mouth. She likes kicking noisy toys, but I’m not sure she understands the cause and effect of her kick making the noise.
But if her smiles and windmilling arms and legs were any indication, she relished our play times as much as I did.
Until she got tired. Or hungry. Then her mommy was the only solution.
But because of all the time I spent in baby play this past week, I don’t have much else to write about. So the rest of this post is merely a reminder that there are other websites where you can find material I’ve posted—a couple of sites for readers, and one for writers.
Other authors also post to these sites, and we hope you find them of interest.
For readers, check out
Read Local Kansas City, a Facebook page about Kansas City area writers, book shops, libraries, and other information of interest to readers in our area.
Of Books and Nooks, both a website and a Facebook page sponsored by several Kansas City area writers across many genres.
For writers, see
Write Brain Trust, a Facebook page with articles of interest on the craft of writing, the indie publishing industry, and book marketing.
I hope you take a look at these sites and find something that appeals to you.
Meanwhile, I will be doing laundry to clean up after my granddaughter’s visit.