April 10 is National Siblings Day. Although I have written many posts about siblings—my siblings, my mother and her brother, my father and his sister, and my own children as siblings—I have never posted specifically about National Siblings Day.
National Siblings Day is a day to celebrate one’s siblings. It was established in 1995, so it isn’t a historically celebrated occasion by any means. In fact, by 1995, all the familial relationships I listed above are older than the holiday. Even my children had been siblings for ten years in 1995.
Here are some of my favorite family photographs of siblings in my family:
My father and his sister My mother and her brother, Christmas 1937 My mother and her brother – at odds? My brother and me at Christmas Me and my three siblings, 1968 My sister and brother with me at my wedding My son and daughter on Halloween My son and daughter outside school My son and daughter with ‘tude My son and daughter, still friends My and two of my siblings, after my daughter’s wedding
How will you recognize National Siblings Day?