Website Woes — Seeking Reader Input

My website is now seven and a half years old, and the blog posts date back several years before that. Things on the site are starting to break.

As the administrator of the site, I don’t experience the site or links to it the same way readers do. So this post is a plea for readers to help me by telling me what works and what doesn’t.

Please post a comment below to let me know about any problems you’ve had reading my posts.

Here are some things I’d like to know:

  1. How do you access my posts? Do you read them by going directly to this website in your browser? Do you link to the posts from Facebook, X (Twitter) or LinkedIn? Do you subscribe to the blog and get links to new posts sent to your email?
  2. Do you get error messages when you try to link to my posts? If so, what do they look like? Do they warn you that you are heading to a suspicious site? Do they look like spam? (If you can post a screenshot of what you see, that would be really helpful.)
  3. Does anything in the posts look wrong? From my side, the website now gives me errors when I try to update themes and plug-ins and when I post pictures, and I have developed some work-arounds that sometimes work and sometimes don’t. Do you notice anything looking weird in the posts, like something hasn’t worked on the back end?b

And, while we’re at it, please also let me know what topics you like me to post about and which you’d rather skip. (I generally write about family, writing, and history, but I wander onto other topics as well).

Thank you for your help. Again, please leave a comment.


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Kathy Perry
8 months ago

I receive emails through Sally Jadlow, for some reason. Unless I’m in Google Chrome, I don’t usually see your pictures when I’m on my MAC (Safari).



Theresa Hupp
8 months ago
Reply to  Kathy Perry

Thanks, Kathy. I hope you’re doing well.

Kathy Perry
8 months ago

I receive your emails through Sally Jadlow, for some reason. Unless I’m in Google Chrome, I don’t usually see your pictures when I’m on my MAC (Safari).



8 months ago

I read your posts by going directly to this website. Of course, I like the family posts best!

Irene Olson
8 months ago

IRENE FRANCES OLSON, fellow author, here. Regarding your site: thank you for asking. The past few posts I have received from you via email, I go in, read it, and type out a response, hit submit, and each time I do so, it fails to post. It just disappears, so I stopped trying to do so which makes me sad.

Theresa Hupp
8 months ago
Reply to  Irene Olson

Irene, thanks for letting me know.

Sara Rickover
8 months ago

I got to this post through my web browser. That worked fine.

Mark Scheel
7 months ago

I see your posts on LinkedIn and get your emails. I haven’t noticed any errors or problems accessing anything. But I’m no techie.

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