Now that my husband and I are functional in our new apartment (though not entirely unpacked), we have begun to do a little exploring. When we have the time to drive around, I find myself seeking sea and mountain views, things we did not have in Kansas City.

So far, we haven’t ventured far. We’ve gone to a couple of seaside parks and walked along one marina boardwalk. We’ve stuck close to Puget Sound, so our mountain views have been of the Olympics. Since our arrival, the Olympics have received their first dose of snow this season.

We’ve been in the Seattle area about five weeks now, and I still haven’t seen Mount Rainier. Maybe our next adventure will be in search of that behemoth.
But we shall have to pick a sunny day. Despite Seattle’s reputation for gloomy weather (which is deserved), we have had many bright afternoons, and I’m sure there will be more. We just have to take advantage of them and finish our unpacking on rainy days.
Where do you explore in your home town?