Walking a New Beach in December

I’ve written before about how much I love the beach. Usually, my visits to the beach have been in summer time, or if in winter, they’ve been to beaches in warm climes.

This past Sunday, December 1, my husband and I strolled along Richmond Beach, just fifteen minutes from our apartment. The air temperature was only in the upper 40s, but we were dressed for it and stayed comfortable. I couldn’t walk barefoot in the sand. Instead, my rubber boots kept the sand out of my socks and pant legs, and I came home as clean as when we left home.

The sun shone brightly, few clouds hung in the sky, and the snow-capped Olympic Mountains rose above Puget Sound in all their glory.

Life, indeed, is a beach. And I hope to experience many more beachy days.

This, I thought to myself as we walked, this is why I wanted to move to Washington State. There were other reasons as well, of course—namely, proximity to our granddaughter and to other family members, and the availability of support from family and healthcare professionals. But the beauty of the region was certainly a draw as well. Kansas City offered many attractions, but a beach within minutes of my home was not one of them. Nor snow-capped peaks.

My father’s last home was on the Olympic Peninsula, visible now from my apartment windows. He used to say he lived in “God’s country.” I think he was right.

Do you enjoy the beach? Year-round, or only in the summer?

P.S. Many of my pictures on earlier posts were lost in the website redesign. My apologies to readers who click through to read older posts.


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Sally Jadlow
2 months ago

Lovely indeed!

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