Being Present in 2025

Here we are—another year begins. I start 2025 with both hope and trepidation. Hope, because it is a new beginning, and I have many things I can explore in my new home—new museums and parks, new cultural events, new friends.

But trepidation, because so many things in my life are uncertain. My husband’s doctors are evaluating new treatments for his Parkinson’s disease, which may or may not be suitable for his current state. I have not yet landed on a regular writing schedule, yet I am determined to finish my work-in-progress. I am still uneasy driving in the area (though I can now get to the grocery store without GPS), particularly when parking is likely to be an issue (which it rarely was in Kansas City).

I want to expand my horizons, and there are so many possibilities, yet the issues that cause me trepidation could pull me into a smaller world. Because I live in a retirement community that offers many amenities, it is tempting to stay here, rather than explore beyond its boundaries. My husband’s many medical appointments limit the time I have for things I want to do. Even writing, and the solitary concentration it requires, can be limiting. As can the availability of parking in a dense metropolis like Seattle.

Many years ago, I wrote a post advocating that we focus on the present, not the past or future. That is good advice for me again this year. I cannot (and I don’t much) think about what I’ve lost in the past year by leaving home and friends and my familiar environment of forty-five years. But I do (and I shouldn’t) think a lot about the future—all the uncertainties and possibilities and limitations I mentioned above.

I have vowed not to worry about the future too much, or I won’t accomplish what I want to each day. Yet there is always a balance between thinking and doing, between planning and being. I think the secret to contentment is seeking that balance every day. And if balance is the goal, then I have a ways to go.

My resolution in 2025 is to vote “present” when considering what to think and what to do. To balance planning with living in the moment. To focus on the next best thing, rather than worrying about the long-term result of my endeavors.

What is your resolution for 2025? Whatever it is, Happy New Year!


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Irene Olson
Irene Olson
2 months ago

My resolution is actually a word: NORMAL as in I will aspire to have as normal health as possible.

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