Honor in the Gold Fields in July 1848: Few Reports of Thievery
As I review my novel about the California Gold Rush with my writing critique partners,
As I review my novel about the California Gold Rush with my writing critique partners,
By the beginning of June 1848 there were around 2,000 miners in the Sierra Nevada
I deliberately keep this blog away from politics. I’m told that writing about a hot-button
I wrote last time about Marshall, Missouri. Marshall does have one claim to fame—it was
I first visited Missouri in early June 1977, before my now-husband and I were married.
Although James Marshall found gold on the north fork of the American River in late
Many family heirlooms—or future heirlooms—have sentimental value because of the stories behind them. But the
An article in The Wall Street Journal on May 10, 2014, by Michael M. Phillips,
Henry Vizetelly, an English publisher who was in San Francisco at the time of the
On my recent trip to Seattle, I went to the Museum of History and Industry