Working Across Time and Across Generations
My husband and I recently were fortunate to have visits from our two adult children.
My husband and I recently were fortunate to have visits from our two adult children.
I mentioned in a post in March that I was looking for the speech I
I’ve written before about the two times I broke my left foot (see here and
I’ve mentioned before that I was one of several valedictorians of my high-school class. The
Sixty years ago today was my first birthday. I was too young to remember it,
I don’t want March to get away from me before I write about two milestones
I could have titled this post “Tidying Up, Part 2.” But I decided on “Treasures
The Catholic Lenten obligations prohibit eating meat on Ash Wednesday and on Fridays during Lent
As readers of this blog know, I am a proud alumna of Middlebury College, Class
I decided to write about the Oregon Trail in part because the concept of leaving