Elizabeth Markham: One Woman’s Perspective on the Oregon Trail and on Matrimony
I am surprised that in five years of writing this blog I have never written
I am surprised that in five years of writing this blog I have never written
My new website, https://www.theresahuppauthor.com, has been live for a few weeks now. Regular readers might
In recognition of Black History Month, this last post in February is about two experiences
I decided to write about the Oregon Trail in part because the concept of leaving
When the pioneers to Oregon left the settled territories for the West, they said they
This page contains all the posts from my WordPress.com blog, Story & History: One writer’s
I don’t use much scented lotion. I’m allergic to many floral scents, particularly roses and
I’m writing another book about the emigrants to Oregon in 1847 who traveled in the
I mentioned in a recent post that I’m a part of Read Local Kansas City.
Using social media takes a lot of time. Some of it is wasted time, some