Thoughts on Story and History and an Update on My Work-in-Progress
Longtime readers of this blog know that it started as a WordPress.com blog called “Story
Longtime readers of this blog know that it started as a WordPress.com blog called “Story
As I research my historical novels, I often refer to Hubert Howe Bancroft’s History of
It’s been awhile since I wrote about my likes and dislikes on social media. (But
All writers have times when their writing moves slowly, and I am in one of
The United States just celebrated its 245th birthday on Sunday, July 4, 2021. In recognition
Last week I attended my first Historical Novel Society conference. I’ve been to other writing
One of the story lines in the novel I am working on now involves a
Once the emigrants to Oregon survived the plains and the Rockies, they still had to
In my monthly newsletter, I usually update readers on the status of my work-in-progress, but
I’m always curious about the reasons other historical fiction writers are drawn to the genre.