Catalpa: Fine Dining in Arrow Rock, MO

On Monday, I wrote about the Oregon Trail emigrants choosing their leaders on the Kansas and Nebraska prairies. This post back-tracks to Arrow Rock, Missouri, where my first Oregon Trail novel begins. And today’s post is about a superb meal I had in Arrow Rock in 2012 – 165 years after my novel takes place. […]

Order on the Trail: The Governance of Wagon Trains

By mid-May, the emigrants to Oregon in the 1840s had settled into a routine. They were past the frontier towns and out on the open prairie. Greenhorns without experience driving oxen and mules had learned to manage their teams. Wives who had never cooked on an open fire had figured out how to use a […]

Jumping Off to the Unknown

Part of my horoscope on my birthday this year read “Develop a way of handling the unexpected, as it will become a regular occurrence for you.” But isn’t this true for everyone? The unexpected becomes expected, because change comes to all of us. Sometimes we seek the change, other times it is foisted upon us. […]

A Six Month Journey in One Day

As I write this, I am visiting family in Washington State, not too far from the end point of the Oregon Trail.  I left my home in Kansas City, Missouri, very near Independence – one of several jumping off points for the early emigrants. The rainy spring weather in the Pacific Northwest reminds me of […]

Tools for Writing Historical Fiction

Writing descriptions is not something that comes naturally to me. I much prefer writing dialogue. But when writing historical fiction, writing about place is critical. In my historical novels, I have to recreate a world that disappeared long before the lifetimes of my readers. How have I found information about what life was like along […]

Two Ends of the Trail

I’ve lived at both ends of the Oregon Trail.  I grew up in eastern Washington State, near the site of the Whitman Mission.  The story of the Whitman Massacre was part of my childhood.  I now live in Kansas City, Missouri, near Independence — one of the main jumping off points for the Oregon Trail. […]